No matter what side of the aisle you’re on, today is a big day. Today is a major change in course for the history of our country. In my opinion it’s not for the better. Perhaps you disagree. But I’m not here to push politics today but merely to say this:
We rarely use this blog as a platform for social remarks. Normally we stick to doling out advice on making your world a more beautiful place to live, and we will continue to do so. But that doesn’t mean the two shall not meet. A welcoming home is not only about how it is decorated. Wellness is not just about recipes. And gathering people at your table never has to be perfect to be effective.
Beauty is also about being being good to other people. We are never so ugly as when we lack empathy for our neighbors. A welcome home means opening your heart to the stories of others – no matter how much you may disagree with them or how little you have in common with them. In fact, those are the best kind. Wellness is also caring for the things that feed our soul, like the arts and our environment. And gathering, well that includes signatures, marches or even voices to be heard together around a table.
So whatever today and the next few days means to you, do me a favor. Go out and be beautiful to each other. And you can expect me to do the same around here. We will only ever use this platform for thoughtful discourse, and to be a voice for those who need it. And for those of you headed to D.C. to march tomorrow: On behalf of all women, thank you.