You thought I forgot about you today didn’t you? Or the whole month for that matter, maybe? It does seem like it flew by, and yet at the same time I’m happy to see it go as it was quite possibly the most challenging four weeks I’ve had in a while.
may moodboard - freshness and clarity in white and green // via coco+kelley

So this month’s moodboard is about clarity. Simplicty. Things that feel like taking that cleansing breath that comes with the foggy chaos clearing a bit and the important things shining through. The calm after the storm perhaps?

It definitely feels like I’ve been through a bit of a storm this month – a heavy load of work, the presentation of some new possibilities on the horizon, still adjusting to major life shifts, and the challenges of settling into some sort of new ‘normal’.

christian dior resort // white lace + fresh pleats white building in egypt

I guess you could say my energy has felt more focused and purposeful in the last week after such a crazy month… and probably as a result of it. Funny how when challenged to juggle too many things, our priorities become much more clear.

fresh dining nook // coco+kelley white on white table setting by spartan shop

It’s been a month of purging to make room for new ideas, new habits and new directions. And out of that has come a bit more of a clean perspective. A stronger perspective. So I’m harnessing that as much as I can and running with it right into June…

main images :: christian dior by harry carr // park & cube // pampa // spartan shop

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