It has been a very long time since we last posted about my kitchen remodel at the house. If you’re interested in playing catch up, I’ll post all the links to other topics at the end of this post, but today we’re talking about the breakfast nook! Specifically the last touch that had to be made to the breakfast nook, which was the fabric for our bench seats…

To refresh your memory – this was the last photo we shared of this space. The bench seats had just been put in, and I had found this gorgeous rug in one of the antique stores in Seattle that was setting the tone for the space.
I had a really hard time deciding on a table to put here. What I really wanted was some old, worn farmhouse piece, but everything we found was ridiculously expensive, and not local which meant paying shipping on top of the cost. I finally settled on a round wood pedestal table from One King’s Lane that had the effect I wanted without the price tag (although… let’s be honest, it wasn’t cheap either!).
But the last piece of the puzzle was choosing the fabric for the bench seats. I wanted everything to be in place before I chose the fabric. I’m not sure why. I think I had decision fatigue at this point and was simply delaying it. Either way, I’m happy I did because along came DecoratorsBest with a chance to work together on some fabric options!

I went through their vast selection of designer fabrics and came up with some favorites. I was going back and forth between pattern, linen and stripes, but from the beginning I was pretty certain about the stripe.
The fabrics from top to bottom were: Ralph Lauren Emil Stripe in Shirting Blue, Robert Allen Linen Canvas in Dove Grey and Ice, Ralph Lauren Birchwood Stripe in Natural, and Robert Allen Inman Square in Navy.

Taking a step back always helps because you see how the patterns are working with the rest of the room. I really wanted to be bold enough to do the Inman Square. I really really did. Buuuuuuut…

We did the Ralph Lauren stripe! And I LOVE IT. It’s subtle – especially from far away – and quite classic. My upholsterer was surprised when I said I wanted the lines running this way – apparently that’s not typical. But I like the way it lengthens the space, and it seemed less busy this way too. Can we talk about how good of a job he did on the piping as well? Love it.

I love the way the stripe interacts with the rug, and the other fabrics too. These pillows were ones I already had – but I like the way the mustardy green ones pop! I stole them from the sofa and I think they’ll end up staying in here. The artwork was originally in our dining room, but I have another huge piece that we moved in there so that this one could live in the breakfast nook. I like the way it carries in those mauve tones from the rug.

And the best part? Now we can actually use this space! Those benches are there own were definitely not comfortable enough to sit on for very long. Now our little one loves reading in this nook while we make dinner, and I have a feeling it will become my adopted home office when I want to spread out at home.
What do you think of the fabric? Would you have gone more bold, or colorful? With the white and grey tones throughout the kitchen (which you still haven’t seen!) I think this really works. It’s so soft and and will allow for me to switch up the pillow patterns more too! I could see swapping out styles for every season!
More Kitchen Remodel Posts:
the before & the plan | lighting selections | hardware selections | progress & flooring | nate berkus’ design advice!