You might remember me sharing our very first Supper Club about a month ago, featuring my friend and chef JJ Proville. Well, I thought I’d continue the tradition and give you a peek at the last one that took place in May – and announce that we have just released tickets for our June dinner as well!

The evening began with a few small bites, and a delicious punch that we whipped up from fresh strawberries, black tea, gin, and more. It was insanely refreshing, and I’m definitely sharing the recipe here soon!

I love any excuse to put my floral arranging skills to the test, and this time around I went a little wild with things. I finally got myself over to one of the local flower markets the day before the party and selected a few favorite blooms (peonies, anemones, sweet peas and more) to put together for the table… and I loved how they turned out.

One of my favorite details that we added this time around was pinning up the menu for guests to check out as they enjoyed the cocktail hour. When I spied this oyster notepad over at Linda & Harriet, I knew it would be perfect for the menu!

I scanned in the original paper, put the text into it, and voila. Such an easy detail to add to any dinner party. And then, of course, there was the food…

The shaved carrot salad rocked my world. Not just because the flavors and freshness were so spot on, but because I had forgotten how delicious and simple this alternative to a green salad was to whip up. Of course, the burrata helped too.

If you’re interested in attending the next Supper Club, tickets are available here. I’d suggest getting them sooner than later – last time we sold out in two days! I hope to see some new and familiar faces there.