This recipe came out of a project that Paola and I worked on together last year for Starbucks, believe it or not! Tasked with creating a few recipes to be paired with their fall blend, and shared on Target! Until now, we couldn’t share it with you, but we thought… what better month than February to bring back this delicious, not-too-sweet dessert that you could easily whip up for your Valentine this weekend…

The combination of flavors here is divine – the jam is necessary to add a bit of sweetness to the combination of rich nutella chocolate and a savory swirl of cheese…

Chocolate Hazelnut Swirl Pie // serves 8 (one 12×4 long or 1x 8 inch round pie)
- 1 premade pie crust, fully defrosted
- 5 tablespoons raspberry jam
- two 8oz packages cream cheese or mascarpone
- 4 tablespoons honey
- 6 tablespoons nutella
Active time: 20 minutes Total time: 1 hour

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Roll out the pie crust and line your pan. Prick the bottom of the pie crust and bake for 20 minutes. Set aside to cool.
Spread the jam over the bottom of the partially-baked pie crust. Place the cream cheese (or mascarpone) and honey into a bowl and heat in 5 second bursts in the microwave until the cream cheese is soft and smooth. Stir to combine. Carefully spread half the cream cheese mixture over the jam in the pie crust.
Heat the chocolate-hazelnut spread in the microwave for 10 seconds. Add alternate teaspoons of chocolate-hazelnut spread and the cream cheese mixture to the top of the pie. When both have been used up, take a skewer or the tip of a knife and swirl the chocolate and cream cheese together. Gently knock the bottom of the pie on the countertop so that the filling blends together and smooths out.
Bake the pie for a further 25 minutes until it is set but not brown on top. Leave to cool in the pan and then place in the refrigerator until fully cold. Serve chilled.
A delicious dessert that can be made in under an hour, this the perfect sweet for my sweetheart, but also so easy to tack onto a dinner party, especially since it can be set aside to chill and is just as good the following day!
photography and recipe by paola thomas